The head of BellSouth's Louisiana operations, Bill Oliver.....COME ON DOWN....

Bill Oliver, Come on down you are the next victim of Golden Shower fun, I'll give you something to cry about!!
Bill Oliver deserves the Grape Fanta Golden Shower! Reserved for special idiots! (For you inexperienced readers, this golden shower should come out a pretty greenish color with a neon hue)
According to a story in the Washington Post,
Angry BellSouth Withdrew Donation, New Orleans Says, Hours after New Orleans officials announced Tuesday that they would deploy a city-owned, wireless Internet network in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, regional phone giant BellSouth Corp. withdrew an offer to donate one of its damaged buildings that would have housed new police headquarters, city officials said yesterday.
According to the officials, the head of BellSouth’s Louisiana operations, Bill Oliver, angrily rescinded the offer of the building in a conversation with New Orleans homeland security director Terry Ebbert, who oversees the roughly 1,650-member police force.
City officials said BellSouth was upset about the plan to bring high-speed Internet access for free to homes and businesses to help stimulate resettlement and relocation to the devastated city. Around the country, large telephone companies have aggressively lobbied against localities launching their own Internet networks, arguing that they amount to taxpayer-funded competition. Some states have laws prohibiting them.
What crap! Are the cable and television companies also a part of this silent attempt to stop free wireless communication without their hands in the till?
I'm all for making money and "The American Dream" but come on people when is enough enough?
I think besides the Grape Fanta Golden Shower Bill Oliver deserves a big strap-on to the ass with no lube!!!